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European Sustainable Energy Week
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Day 5

Networking opportunities continue and looking ahead

Behaviour change, energy independence, and scaling up

Our highlights from Day 4 at EUSEW:

Susana Solis Perez Image

Europe needs to be there for those in difficulty: it has to show families its added value […] emergency interventions are absolutely necessary, no doubt, but these interventions have to be temporary

Susana Solis Pérez - Member of the European Parliament
Milana Rikanovic

We can say with high confidence that the energy crisis will increase female energy poverty and would increase the burden of care for women […] we have to have data we have to have statistics, we have to have gender analysis

Milana Rikanovic - Programme Management Specialist, Head of UN Women Serbia
Matthew Baldwin

Rooftop solar panels, heat pumps, hydrogen, bio methane - if we can deliver on these issues we won’t be just delivering on sustainability but on security as well

Matthew Baldwin - Deputy Director-General, DG ENER

⚡️ Rewatch the session: Keynote speech on Decarbonisation

Follow #EUSEW2022

If we had done all we had been doing now to accelerate the energy transition before, we wouldn't be in this crisis situation - Annegret Groebel from @CEERenergy  #EUSEW2022

— The Consumer Voice (@beuc) September 29, 2022


?event with solutions to make #Europe a decarbonized region by 2050,@euenergyweek!

"It's clear that??needs to?the use of long-term #EnergyStorage to fulfil the #EUGreenDeal targets & the #RepowerEU #energy policy strategy." @FerretRaquel,Business Devt.Mngr. of CIC energiGUNE?

— CIC energiGUNE (@energigune_brta) September 29, 2022


Examples of how governments can support #EnergyCommunities:
✅ Exempting them from certain tendering procedures
✅ Becoming a member
✅ Setting up one-stop shops
✅ Including thresholds for #CitizenParticipation in #RenewableEnergy projects

?️ Myriam Castanié at #EUSEW2022

— REScoop EU (@REScoopEU) September 29, 2022


Hihglights image



It does not end here: networking continues online

Keep up the momentum generated by this week’s discussions, and continue building connections over on EUSEW’s digital platform. You can book one-to-one meetings with other attendees, or explore the innovative projects showcased at the Energy Fair. Perhaps you are looking for advice about a new project, or want to get some fresh perspectives on an existing initiative: the EUSEW platform is the best place to start.


Plenty more to come: shape EUSEW 2023

For those of you who joined EUSEW 2022 physically or digitally, please fill out a short survey to help us bring this annual event and its activities closer to you and Europe’s future energy needs.


Stay in touch with the EUSEW community and keep your finger on the pulse to make sure you get updates about EUSEW 2023 as soon as they come out.