This is EUSEW: our highlights from Day 3
Stepping into a carbon-free future
We have selected some of the standout moments from the third day of the event. Discover our highlights from EUSEW 2023 and rewatch anything you missed.

I don’t like the statement “we have to be carbon neutral by 2050.” That’s too late. Either we go big and fast, or we go bust.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Did someone say energy storage? Ensuring reliable, clean and low-cost energy supply for Europe

The more we invest in the energy transition, and the more we invest in renewables, the more we give thousands of young people to get a strong stable job going forwards
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Did someone say energy storage? Ensuring reliable, clean and low-cost energy supply for Europe

Markets will work better if we reduce – hopefully eliminate totally – the subsidies that go to the fossil fuel sector.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: The role of competitive clean energy technologies to implement climate targets for 2030

If you think challenge is fun - it will get much more fun. Think of steel, cement, aluminium, chemicals - all this stuff we’re sitting on and looking at. Decarbonising that will be a real challenge.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Closing session
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“Make the market work by adapting the electricity to gas price ratio, and manufacturing will follow” @ThomasNowakEU on the EU's net zero industry act at #EUSEW2023.
— EHPA (@helloheatpumps) June 22, 2023
If we want to boost clean heat & clean jobs in ??, electricity should be no more than twice the price of gas!
Listening to a panel on heating decarbonization. Public funding is frequently seen as a tool to derisk/attract private investment. What about poor households overlooked by private investors? Who will cover their transition? #EUSEW2023 #leavingnooebehind
— Anna Zsofia Bajomi (@AnnaBajomi) June 22, 2023
System flexibility is the backbone for a zero emission power system by 2035, largely based on #renewables. For that to happen, the EU needs to go big and fast on flexibility by regulating #storage, #datacentres, #batteries and vehicle-to-grid technologies #EUSEW2023
— Claude Turmes (@ClaudeTurmes) June 22, 2023
66% of solar in Europe comes from rooftop solar. The key to energy storage lies in home and a reform in net-metering and promotion of prosumers, energy communities and demand response.
— Sotiris Kyprianou (@sotiriskyp) June 22, 2023
#energystorage #solar #europe #eusew2023 @euenergyweek @cinea_eu @Energy4Europe
This is EUSEW: our highlights from Day 2
Putting consumers and energy efficiency first
With a focus on affordability, inclusion, and energy efficiency, Day 2 was about putting consumers at the forefront of the energy transition. Keep reading for a selection of EUSEW highlights, and to rewatch anything you may have missed.

The most effective solution when it comes to energy poverty is to work on energy efficiency, and on a just and inclusive transition.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Keynote speech on energy efficiency, affordability and inclusion

We need to create an environment where daily decisions will be climate-sound because they are cheaper, safer, quicker.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: The untapped potential of sufficiency to meet EU climate goals
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Leading the way: setting the vision for buildings in the EU's clean energy transition

There is a skill that we are missing [at local government], which is gender impact assessment, because we will find much more women among the energy poor.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Social reskilling: measures to combat local energy poverty
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For the energy transition to succeed it needs to work for all, not just for energy geeks. Energy sharing and communities are a tool to enable people to benefit from lower prices. But consumer rights need to be same as for 'traditional' energy market - @moniquegoyens #EUSEW2023
— The Consumer Voice (@beuc) June 21, 2023
Homes is where the heart is & with an ambitious & socially sound EU Building's directive #EPBD, we can deliver a more fair and inclusive #energytransition in buildings. Here the main takeaways from our #EUSEW2023 session on buildings! @CANEurope
— Mónica Vidal (@mononokita) June 21, 2023
Messages signed by 'Sincerely, EUSEW Young' are taking over the event!
— European Sustainable Energy Week (@euenergyweek) June 21, 2023
At #EUSEW2023, Young Energy Ambassadors are curating their own discussion - quite literally taking note of what matters to them most ?✍️
Join us in Brussels & see for yourself?
This is EUSEW: our highlights from Day 1
Mobilising skills and youth for the green transition
Here is a selection of just a few key takeaways from the first day at EUSEW. Feel like you missed something vital? All sessions are available to rewatch on our online platform. You can also share your standout moments from EUSEW on social media using #EUSEW2023 to let the community know which ideas you are taking home with you.

Home grown green energy and energy efficiency is the only solution to cheaper, cleaner and more energy security in the long term.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Opening

I will not retire until 2060, so I’m really frustrated when people are talking about solving climate change for our children: it’s our generation that needs to solve the climate crisis and fix our energy system. This is about us.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Opening

The renewable energy industry wants to expand, but needs skilled employees, we need to respond with education, research, and most of all proving that jobs in the transition sector are attractive and have a future with an enormous potential.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Opening

If we want people to work on new solutions for the energy sector, we need to make these jobs more attractive than working at banks.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Opening

It's a fantastic opportunity today to train people and to reduce unemployment. It's not a problem. It's not a loss, it's a gain.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: Debate with Ambassadors

Energy communities could be a potentially super powerful and revolutionary vehicle to transform our energy system. It is important that we envision a future together with people whose future is at stake.
⚡️ Rewatch the session: How can youth-driven energy communities shape the clean energy transition?
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Great that young professionals inspire students and other young workers how you can lead the European energy transition. This is Helen who works for @REScoopEU and explains the donut economy as a better metrics how countries ???? are performing. #EUSEW2023 @AUEUYouthHub
— Fons Janssen #mastodonmigration (@AJJJanssen) June 20, 2023
?? Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, paid a visit to our shared stand with @eumayors and the #CovenantofCompanies at #EUSEW2023. ⚡
— Smart Cities Marketplace (@EUSmartCities) June 20, 2023
We got the chance to tell her more about the initiatives and update her on the newest actions! Check out the pictures below ??
So well said, @flacamera: Just transition means that we are moving from one world today to a different, less unequal world tomorrow. #EUSEW2023 @IRENA @Energy4Europe @EIEEorg
— Esmeralda Colombo (@ColomEsmeralda) June 20, 2023