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European Sustainable Energy Week
  • News announcement
  • 7 May 2024
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 3 min read

Network of local communities for renewable energy production announced as finalist in 2024 European Sustainable Energy Awards

Across France, local cooperative companies – Centrales Villageoises – are bringing together citizens, municipalities and local businesses to develop renewable energy and energy efficiency projects on a local scale.

The idea of the Centrales Villageoises was sparked by the observation that renewable energy projects in the Rhône-Alpes national parks were not benefitting the local community and were sometimes poorly integrated into the local landscape.

This prompted Rhône-Alpes Energy-Environment and the Regional Natural Parks to envision a new model of renewable energy production focused on involving local authorities and citizens, generating economic benefits for the region, and respecting built and landscape heritage,’ says Juliette Rasse, development officer of the Association des Centrales Villageoises.

Originally implemented across eight pilot sites, the main objective of the model is to engage citizens to participate in the energy transition, in collaboration with local authorities and businesses.

In 2018, the Association Centrales Villageoises (ACV) was founded to support the network. It has since evolved into a comprehensive ‘one-stop shop’ in France, offering technical, economic, and legal assistance to local authorities and citizen groups interested in implementing renewable energy projects.

Today, the Centrales Villageoises model is implemented in over 70 territories in 8 [out of France’s 13] regions, which have expedited the energy transition by establishing over 500 photovoltaic power plants on private and public rooftops (totalling more than 11 MWp installed, equivalent to powering 3 500 homes),’ Juliette explains. ‘These photovoltaic power plants were exclusively developed by citizens and financed thanks to 7 250 shareholders, including 290 local authorities and 165 local businesses.’

The initiative has crafted a step-by-step approach that allows anyone interested to lead a community-driven energy initiative in their area. The association offers support to volunteers, and experienced local companies provide expertise to assist emerging citizen collectives.

Juliette cites the example of the village of Naves, a community of 2 390 inhabitants in the Corrèze region, where the local Centrales Villageoises installed over 250 photovoltaic panels on the community multipurpose hall, and instead of selling the energy produced to the grid, is sharing it with neighbouring consumers, such as the village school and stadium.

She points out that as a result, ‘consumers receive green and locally-sourced energy, there is a shorter energy supply chain, leading to reduced energy bills, and consumers become more aware and sensitive to their energy consumption’.

The Centrales Villageoises model was designed to be replicable, she explains, adding that the Association aims to be present in all regions of France in the next three years.

The Association is participating in two European-funded projects, the ECOEMPOWER and RECROSSES projects under the LIFE and lnterreg-ALCOTRA programmes respectively, aiming to share its expertise in supporting and developing local energy communities.


The Association des Centrales Villageoises is one of three finalists shortlisted for the European Sustainable Energy Awards 2024 in the Local Energy Action category. The award recognises implemented sustainable energy actions, driven by a group of citizens or consumers, which contribute to the clean energy transition at the community or local level. It also inspires and motivates others to implement similar steps for an EU-wide deployment, resulting in economic and environmental benefits. The other finalists in this category are the AUSL Romagna Energy Action Plan from Italy and De Energiecentrale from Ghent in Belgium. ​ ​ ​ 

The AUSL Romagna Energy Action Plan pursues a comprehensive approach to energy efficiency, combining European, national and regional funds to achieve staggering results across 13 hospitals. De Energiecentrale offers a one-stop-shop for advice and support on improving the energy efficiency of homes in Ghent. ​ ​


EUSEW Awards ​celebrate Europe’s best clean energy projects and leaders 

The ​ European Sustainable Energy Awards ​ (EUSEW Awards) recognise outstanding individuals and projects for their innovation and efforts in energy efficiency and renewables. The nine finalists have been selected by a high-level jury in three categories: Innovation, Local Energy Action, and Woman in Energy. The finalists will be submitted to an online public vote, which is open now until 2 June, and the winners will be announced during the EUSEW Awards Ceremony in June 2024. ​ 

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EUSEW 2024 

European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the​ biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe, takes place on 11-13 June under the theme ‘‘Net- zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe’. The event will bring together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives accelerating decarbonisation through green technologies and solutions towards a fair and just transition for people and competitive businesses.

Registrations for onsite attendance in Brussels and online participation are now open

For interview requests with the EUSEW Awards finalists or additional media information, please contact ​ mediaateusew [dot] eu (media[at]eusew[dot]eu)