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News blog (124)
RSSYoung people across Europe play a vital role in building a greener, more inclusive and digital future. With 2022 designated the European Year of Youth, the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), is spotlighting projects and initiatives giving a voice to young people helping boost Europe’s energy
By Christiane Egger, OÖ Energiesparverband / FEDARENE. As energy agencies, we have an important role to play in our regions in building strong, positive narratives for the energy transition. The extensive Energy Efficiency Watch 4 (EEW4) survey of 1 270 experts in all EU countries offers valuable ..
By Adriana Bascone - Communications Coordinator of EYEN. It’s high time we all stopped underestimating the crucial role of civil society, marginalised groups and youth in the (energy) transition. Over the last few years, ambitious youth organisations have emerged with the aim to unify the voice ...
The European Year of Youth is about empowering young people to play an active role in Europe’s future, and giving youth a say in Europe’s energy transition is vital to achieve this. The European Youth Energy Day at the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2022 is inviting young people from ...
By Fons Janssen - NL country coordinator European Climate Pact. A personal human based approach towards the energy transition: As a millennial living in the Netherlands, it seems the geopolitical event series are not going to stop. From the migration crisis, Trump, Brexit, the massive climate ...
By Pedro Verdelho, CEER Vice-President and Chair of the ACER and CEER Gas Working Groups. In the past few months, Europe's energy sector has absorbed several heavy shocks which have sent energy prices skyrocketing and sparked unprecedented concerns over energy security in the EU. In response, ...
By Floriane Cappelletti - Head of Communications, Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office. "There is a double urgency to transform Europe's energy system: ending the EU's dependence on Russian fossil fuels, which are used as an economic and political weapon and cost European taxpayers nearly ...
Book your place for the EUSEW community reunion. After two years as a fully virtual event, the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is back on 26-30 September in a new hybrid format, with...
By Bertrand Deprez and Céline Carré, European Alliance to Save Energy. Just as the world began to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, war came to our door. Geopolitical instability and economic uncertainty came together in 2022.
By Arianna Vitali, Secretary General at the Coalition for Energy Savings. Saving Energy must be at the core of the European Union energy security strategy. The ongoing recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive is the opportunity to take bold action to structurally reduce the EU’s energy imports.
By Luca Bertalot, Secretary General – European Mortgage Federation – European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC) & EEMI Consortium Coordinator. At this unprecedented time of crisis, we need to transform challenges into opportunities, looking the next generation in the eyes.
By Kees van der Leun, Common Futures. Now we are accelerating the European energy transition towards zero emissions, it becomes increasingly important to guarantee security of supply, minimise societal cost, and retain public support for the transition.
Organising a Sustainable Energy Day is your opportunity to set the agenda on a topic you want to bring to the forefront in renewables and sustainable energy. Get inspired by the highlights from the Sustainable Energy Days held last year and take note of how to plan an effective event.
By Shakti Ramkumar, Director of Communications and Policy, Student Energy. As the world moves closer to missing the greenhouse gases emissions reduction targets set in the Paris Agreement and with increased warnings of severe harms caused by global warming, ...
By Dr Thomas Hillig, managing director of THEnergy. The current geo-political developments show that energy supply and also supply chains for key components needed for the energy transition are fragile. Obviously, green hydrogen can play a crucial role as it will allow for more domestic generation
Do you have a bold idea or project in renewable energy that you think deserves more attention? Are you looking for an opportunity to meet new collaborators in the clean energy community? The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Networking Village is the place for you.
Taking place in both physical and online formats around the world, Sustainable Energy Days are your opportunity to bring conversations about renewable energy to your community, wherever you are in the world. Follow our guide to make sure you and your audience get the most out of your event.
By Dirk Vansintjan, President of the European Federation of Citizen Energy Cooperatives, Recent geopolitical tensions, and its culmination in end of February 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine, confronted us with soaring gas, oil and electricity prices and more people in energy poverty.
By Malte Lohan, Director General of Orgalim, Europe’s Technology Industries. From the smallest smart thermostat to complex power management systems to maximise demand-side flexibility, the enabling technologies needed to achieve rapid improvements in energy efficiency already exist.
Get inspired by Birgit Hansen, winner of the 2021 Woman in Energy Award, and find out how her actions to accelerate the transition while boosting employment are having a meaningful impact in her municipality and beyond.