The European Sustainable Energy Week’s (EUSEW) Sustainable Energy Days’ initiative is designed to bring various events organised by stakeholders under the umbrella of the EUSEW community. This acknowledgment serves to integrate these events into the broader EUSEW framework, thereby increasing visibility and promoting synergy between the individual initiatives and the overarching goals of the European Sustainable Energy Week.
These events can take place anywhere around the world, promoting clean energy and energy efficiency, as well as contributing to the development and/or implementation of climate-neutral solutions or technologies for a community, a business, or industry. In the current context of the energy transition and ongoing work to ensure secure, clean and affordable energy supply, every Sustainable Energy Day is an opportunity to inspire behavioural changes and innovation towards meeting energy and climate goals in the EU and globally.
Sustainable Energy Days will be held between 1 March and 30 June 2025, exploring a variety of topics in sessions of different formats and durations.
You can be creative! A Sustainable Energy Day event might focus on awareness-raising, centre around a specific activity, or highlight a particular technology or policy. It may address a local community or even an entire region. Sustainable Energy Days can take place in public or private buildings, as well as outdoors or online. Past events have been held in locations such as schools, parks, town halls, factories, and conference centres.
In the context of EUSEW 2025’s theme (Powering a fair and competitive green transition), events showcasing innovative technologies or implementing solutions for competitive, clean and fair energy transition are particularly encouraged.
Sustainable Energy Days are a key component of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) – the largest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. They highlight the progress made in the field of sustainable energy at local, regional and national levels.
Organising a Sustainable Energy Day provides an opportunity to share your ideas and debate solutions with your community, decision-makers, and the public, and demonstrate how your organisation is actively contributing to achieving the EU’s energy and climate goals.
- By registering your event, it will be prominently featured on the EUSEW website through an interactive map.
- Your event will be announced in a dedicated section of the EUSEW newsletter, which reaches over 18 000 subscribers.
- Your event will be promoted on our social media platforms to an audience of more than 20 000 followers on X and Facebook.
- You can also promote your event independently by using the branded and editable materials from the Sustainable Energy Day organiser toolkit to spread the word online.
Please note that the branded materials come with guidelines that must be followed. Misuse of the elements provided may be considered fraudulent, leading to a review of your event by the European Commission and its possible disqualification as a Sustainable Energy Day. If you are a regular Sustainable Energy Day organiser who has participated in past editions of EUSEW, we advise you to use the newly available materials and discard any from previous editions.
Anyone can organise a Sustainable Energy Day, and it can target any audience as long as the activity clearly highlights the importance of clean energy and energy efficiency and aligns with the EUSEW theme: Powering a fair and competitive green transition. A Sustainable Energy Day can be organised by educational institutions, public bodies, energy agencies, trade or industry organisations, businesses, NGOs, EU project partners, associations or networks, or citizens.
Sustainable Energy Days must:
- take place in March, April, May, or June 2025;
- be held locally;
- be non-profit and freely accessible (have no admission fees);
- aim to have a minimum of 10 participants.
Sustainable Energy Days may also be part of an existing project, programme, or promotional activity with branding of its own while still participating in this campaign.
To apply for a Sustainable Energy Day, you first need to create an account on the EUSEW website. You can apply by completing the online registration form. The information provided in the form should be in English, even if the event will be conducted in another language.
You may apply to organise more than one Sustainable Energy Day. If your event takes place in different locations, you can add them in the form. This will help people locate your events on the interactive map.
Sustainable Energy Day organisers are requested to send feedback about their event to the EUSEW Secretariat within 14 days of the event. The Secretariat will share the link to a form to gather the feedback and photos (when possible) to create a Facebook album with a representative image of your event(s) and contribute to the visibility of your event(s).
You can submit your application to host your Sustainable Energy Day from 11 February to 30 May 2025 at 23.59 CET (the last day to host your event is 30 June but the registration must be completed before the deadline). However, the sooner you apply, the longer your event will be promoted on the EUSEW website and communication channels, should it be selected. Kindly note that it may take up to a week for your application to be accepted and published on the website.
Should you have any questions about the Sustainable Energy Days, please do not hesitate to contact the EUSEW Secretariat at energydayseusew [dot] eu (energydays[at]eusew[dot]eu).