The Policy Conference held during the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest conference dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe. The conference hosts sessions organised by the European Commission and by stakeholders active in the field of sustainable energy. These sessions provide an opportunity to present and debate new policy developments, best practices, and new ideas supporting the European Union’s transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral, competitive, and resilient economy.
The 2025 edition will be organised as a hybrid event between 10 and 12 June 2025. All policy sessions will be onsite in a venue in Brussels, Belgium. We encourage speakers and participants to attend onsite to benefit fully from the networking possibilities and the Energy Fair.
The theme for EUSEW 2025 will be ‘Powering a fair and competitive green transition’.
The call to organise a session during EUSEW is now closed.
Policy session format
The standard duration of a session is 90 minutes, and the format is up to the applicants (debate, workshop, panel discussion, campfire sessions, soapbox, etc.), but a creative approach is encouraged.
Due to technical constraints, the number of speakers is limited to a maximum of seven, including the moderator.
Moderation is a key aspect of the interactivity of the session. The moderators’ role should not be limited to just giving the floor to speakers but should rather foster discussion and engage with the audience. Experienced moderators should be arranged by the session organisers. If you do not have any suitable option available, you can indicate it on the application form that you would like the support of the EUSEW Secretariat to identify a moderator for your session.
We recommend having the speakers onsite as much as possible to foster networking between speakers and the audience in the room.
All sessions must adhere to the principles of gender balance, diversity of opinion, and interactivity.
Successful applicants will be supported by the event organising and technical teams (i.e., for registration, logistics, web-streaming services, training, general promotion, etc.). Nevertheless, session organisers are responsible for the preparation and promotion of their session, including the timely provision of session details for the online programme and the use of the communication toolkit, etc.
Applicants must comply with these guidelines provided by the European Sustainable Energy Week’s organising team.
EUSEW encourages youth participation in the sessions and intergenerational dialogue in the discussions around clean energy policy.
The call for sessions for the European Sustainable Energy Week Policy Conference 2025 is open to:
- Organisations that fulfil the following criteria:
- They work as multipliers using a widespread network of contacts across Europe.
- They contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable energy policy.
- They apply jointly with at least one other organisation.
- Representatives of EU institutions and public bodies, including inter-institutional bodies.
Examples of eligible types of organisations include:
- European institutions and bodies or international organisations;
- Consortia of EU-funded projects;
- National, regional/local authorities, agencies, or other public bodies (including their networks);
- Business, industry, or professional associations;
- non-governmental organisations (consumer associations, environmental organisations, etc.);
- Citizens' groups (energy cooperatives, energy communities, youth groups, etc.);
- R&I organisations (research institutes, universities, scientific foundations, and technical colleges, think tanks, etc.);
- Media and press corps.
Professional event organisers or businesses aiming to promote specific products or services are not eligible.
The application form only allows you to complete one policy session proposal at a time. You may save your application as a draft to make as many changes as you wish, but note that once your application is submitted, you will not be able to change it. Following your submission, you should receive an application number, which should be referenced in all communication with the EUSEW Secretariat.
When filling in the form, please take into consideration the following guidance:
- Each application should be submitted by two different organisations, with at least one being an umbrella organisation (an umbrella organisation is an association that formally incorporates other institutions working together towards the same goal or interest, such as youth, consumer, or industry associations). While other organisations can also contribute to the session, each application must specify two lead entities including a contact person for each.
- Define the session objective(s) and fill in the application form as precisely as possible.
- An application needs to demonstrate that it includes a plurality and diversity of opinions or voices, by including a variety of stakeholders as speakers. The Policy Conference is a platform for constructive exchanges and debate on sustainable energy issues
- Focus on fine-tuning the agenda according to the criteria outlined above and highlight the profile of each speaker (average of one line per speaker). Please confirm whether the speakers and moderators have already agreed to participate in the session. Specific attention should be paid to gender balance.
- Make sure you allocate sufficient time to facilitate interactions between the different speakers and the audience. A minimum of ¼ of the time of your session should be dedicated to Q&A or other interactive elements (such as word clouds, polls, quizzes, etc.).
- Give some thought to your title; it should be precise for all attendees to understand the topic of the session. Make it appealing to the EUSEW audience and avoid buzzwords and acronyms as much as possible. The organisation reserves the right to suggest an alternative title should the one proposed not meet these criteria.
- The same organisation can only submit up to two applications as organiser to ensure a diversity of topics or proposals across the programme.
- Please bear in mind that EU policy initiatives and/or policy state of play will be covered in the EUSEW Policy Conference’s programme with keynote speeches for each thematic block.
For inspiration, see last year’s sessions.
Proposals for hosting a session at the Policy Conference will be evaluated by a selection panel composed of the European Commission staff. Please note that the selection panel reserves the right to group applications or propose the merging of session applications where synergies or similarities can be found. Please be aware that policy sessions will be hybrid, but a limited number of them will only take place online.
The panel will assess the information provided in the application form, with specific attention given to the following elements of the proposed session:
A. Concept and focus
B. Relevance of the topic (content) and its alignment with one (or more) of the key thematic blocks (below)
C. Quality of the agenda
The proposal will be scored on how well it presents its concept and how the session topic will be tackled during the session. The application should make clear the session’s:
- Objective/purpose (key questions);
- Structure;
- Format and interactivity.
The proposal will be scored on the basis of how relevant it is for Europe’s sustainable energy policies and what it brings to the policy debate.
Your session should contribute to the current debate in the field of sustainable energy and the European clean energy transition (2030, 2040 and 2050 energy and climate targets).
Selected sessions will be clustered around specific thematic blocks:
Thematic blocks | Keywords |
Competitiveness and investments in clean energy | Energy prices, skills, innovation, clean tech, net zero economy, clean energy infrastructure, critical raw materials and minerals, digitalisation |
Energy affordability | Empowering citizens and communities, cities, energy prices, energy poverty, housing, youth engagement |
Renewable energy | Permitting, electrification, renewable energy sources in industry, renewable energy sources in transport, heating and cooling, innovation |
Energy efficiency | Reduction of energy demand, energy performance of buildings, products, energy labelling, industry, transport, heating and cooling, heat pumps |
Decarbonisation framework in the EU and globally | 2030 targets, 2040 climate target plan, 2050 climate neutrality objective, European Green Deal implementation, Energy Union governance, NECPs (National Energy and Climate Plans), EU-led global pledges, critical energy transition minerals, youth engagement |
Proposals will be scored according to the following criteria.
- Profiles of the speakers, their relevance to address the selected topic and the content they will deliver;
- Plurality of opinions among the speakers.
- Gender balance.
Should your application be accepted, it is your responsibility to immediately inform the EUSEW Secretariat of any changes in the speakers' line-up and planned agenda.
The application deadline to host a policy session has been extended to Tuesday 28 January at 23:59 CET.
Applicants can expect to be informed about whether their session has been accepted by Friday 28 February 2025.
If selected, you must provide the final session description (final title, description of the session, list of speakers, etc.) by Friday 4 April 2025 at the latest.
Failure to meet deadlines, or major alterations in the sessions’ focus, content, speakers, or agenda, may result in the removal of the session from the EUSEW 2025 programme.
Make sure you check the timeline to see the process that will follow if your application is selected for the EUSEW Policy Conference.
If you have questions, we invite you to read our FAQ section.
Please make sure you have registered to receive our newsletters in order to stay up to date with our announcements.
Watch the Info Session to hear directly about the Policy Conference call and how it connects with other parts of EUSEW 2025.
If you have any questions about the Policy Conference, please feel free to contact the EUSEW Secretariat at